
My Parkinson’s Story

by Bob Wilson

Discover compassionate self-care as I get help!

Video and interview by Charlotte Juarez
I share the process of “cultivatinig heath as you consume a diet of self-love”!

Earlier in my life I lost 240 pounds and have kept it off for 50 years. I found that success at losing weight and keeping it off require learning a series of new skills. I found some of the same skills also help me manage my Parkinson’s! I’ve had Parkinson’s for over six years.

Practicing self-love, compassion, and acceptance allowed me to ask for help. I need a life and medical team: My primary care MD, neurologist, Parkinson’s PT and regular physical therapist, occupational therapist, complementary therapies, lifestyle coach and/or mental health professional, spiritual help, and Parkinson’s educational resources. Holy petunias!

Self-care also involves making great tasting, healthful eating a priority and finding time for consistent enjoyable physical activity. I began to feel the power to celebrate the inner strength and sense of well-being that come from allowing my body to experience the joy of movement and healthful good tasting foods. I make these things a priority.

 Another KEY was to learn the skills for emotional nurturing. These skills helped me transform emotional eating and low self-esteem, discouragement and fear. I learned to celebrate my life! I became a compassionate and loving friend — to me! To help me do this I needed counseling and support groups. They were invaluable!

The result of my practicing all of these skills was to help the quality of my life to improve, and my symptoms were greatly lessened. Yeah whoopee! Cultivating life-long vitality: Learning and practicing all these skills has brought to me friskiness and well-being throughout all of the seasons of my life. Parkinson’s is managed, not cured. It’s an ongoing investment in me. Making the investment in myself has paid rich dividends! Hugs and love-Bob 

Check out Facebook for expanded ideas and to see lovely color posters:

Gratefulness Embraces Parkinson’s

Grateful: A song of love to the world!

Fatigue in Parkinson’s: For me this last year this has been my most challenging symptom. Explore here: (Location of video at 46 minutes discusses treatment of fatigue.)

FREE practical E-book by DR Friedman: A free BrieF Guide To Parkinson’s Disease for Patients and Family with video illustrations (Does explore fatigue):

Use an App to track your PD symptoms progression and reversal over time: (Search for Parkinson’s Symptom Tracker Pro-PD-Report on Apple- ) Generates a PDF file that you can share with MD. See video on “What do successful people do to slow down PD progression?

When life gives you Parkinson’s-the possible value of light therapy in PD:

SYMBYX BIOME light therapy:


Bob’s website:

Bob’s BLOG:

Your life is your garden. Over time, what you plant is what you get.

Daily Tune-Up!

Small Baby Steps Lead To Success!

Mindfulness-Meditation-Slowing Down-Eat with Awareness-Check In.pdf

Managing the Emotional Pain of Chronic Illness


Can I Change? How?

Begin to Change? How?

Help! I’m movin’ too fast! I need to slow down.

Socio-Ecological Model

21 Steps to Aging Successfully

Be Your Own Medical Advocate

12 Essential Skills

Delicious Quick Meals

CELEBRATE Healthful Eating!


 Getting to Know Your Stress and How to Management It

How to Deal With Crisis!

Paint Your Life with Creativity!

Self-punishing Inner Voice

Emotional—Spiritual Tune-up

Learning Healthy Mental Skills

Mental Nutrients: What To Say To Yourself

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – how it can help

Lessons in Life

Develop Your Own Loving Inner Voice!

Nourishing Affirmations!

How to Develop a Loving Relationship with You

Loving-Kindness: Learn to Befriend Ourselves and Others

Gratitude List

Meditation-Why And How It Works

The Power Of Fun!

Exercising with Health Challenges

The Anatomy Of Persistance-How To Keep Going!

Parkinson’s Many Varied Exercises on line: Free trial. By a PT who specializes for PD

Self-Nurturing Restorative Box

Coping With Caregiving- A Caregiver’s Guide

Do You Experience Overwhelming Circumstances?

Therapeutic Help for the Journey

How to Keep Motivated

Your Maintenance Schedule


Alternative Parkinson’s Asian management: and

Parkinson’s Recovery Project: Stuck on Pause is provided here for free downloadDownload “Stuck on Pause” PDF.

Please see above–very insightful and informative! Click on YouTube video link to see video.


Mindfulness-Meditation-Slowing Down in Our Daily Lives

What is mindfulness?

The opposite of mindfulness is mindlessness.  It is being on “automatic pilot,” out of touch with our bodies and our experience in the moment.  For most of us, our minds are often constantly wandering.  We are often quite literally “not here” in the present.  And we can be absent in many ways from the best moments of our lives because we are caught up in our thoughts, memories, plans, or feelings.

Mindfulness is moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental awareness.  It involves paying careful and detailed attention in the present moment—just noticing and exploring whatever our experience is from one moment to the next, without judging it as positive or negative.

 Mindfulness includes just observing:

  •  Paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, without judgment.
  • Allowing yourself to just “be”—versus always having to “do” something or change circumstances or your experience in some way.
  • Objectively observing your experience, and perhaps quietly naming it to yourself (such as “thinking,” “planning,” “remembering,” or “sad,” “happy,” “worried”).
  • When your mind wanders, simply bringing it back to your breath or other object of focus and the present moment—again and again.


Mindfulness meditation

Formal practices of mindfulness are at the heart of mindfulness meditation—also known as “insight meditation.”  Mindfulness meditation enables us to be more grounded in the present moment and develop a greater understanding of our experience and how we relate to it.

One of the benefits of this type of meditation is that we can focus the meditation on the experiences we typically deal with every day.  We learn and practice mindfulness meditation by focusing on the breath—but we can also focus the meditation on our thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and experiences.

Mindfulness meditation will help you learn and experience nonjudgmental awareness in the moment. Practicing mindfulness in meditation can change the quality of your everyday life by increasing your awareness and your ability to be present and alive in the moment, attuned to all of your experience and the world around you.

You can also practice mindfulness in many ways during your ordinary daily activities. Being mindful of your experience during your activities can be very enriching—and informative. Everyday mindfulness can also help you prevent and decrease stress and other unpleasant experiences.

Try doing ordinary activities “mindfully” as you slow down

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. Try doing some of your daily activities mindfully. Consider the activity the most important thing you can do in the moment—and something that deserves your special attention. Slow down and pay attention moment by moment.

Using all of your senses, pay attention to your experience in your body and your mind. What do you see? What do you hear? What scents or smells do you notice? What do you feel with your hands or in other parts of your body? What feelings or moods arise? What thoughts do you notice?

Practicing mindfulness is not to “think about” your experience, but simply to notice your thoughts. As thoughts and feelings arise, note them to yourself, and allow them to change or shift as they will—and gently bring your attention back to the activity at hand, and your direct sensations.

Activities to practice doing mindfully could include:

  • Making and drinking tea or coffee mindfully. Notice each step in the process, every sensation and every detail. Drink in slow motion, noticing every aspect of your experience as you sit and enjoy your drink.
  • Taking a slow-motion bath or shower. Using all your senses, simply notice and enjoy a warm bath or shower.
  • Washing dishes mindfully. Consider washing the dishes to be the most important thing you can do in the moment. Wash them thoroughly, with careful attention to your complete experience.
  • Taking a mindful walk. Notice every part of your body and all of your sensory experience as you walk. Notice all of the details in the environment around you—take them in with all of your senses. What do you see, hear, smell, and feel?
  • Brushing your hair in slow motion for several minutes, or brushing your teeth mindfully and thoroughly. Pay attention to every detail from start to finish.
  • Taking a mindful drive. Notice every thing you do and experience during the drive, including your experiences in your body, your feelings, and your thoughts.

Lifestyle Awareness Training: Do less. Enjoy what you do more. How?

  • Just don’t do something. Sit there! Have unscheduled time. Practice slowing down and doing nothing every day. Practice useless gazing. Really, observe the world around you. You will probably feel uncomfortable at first. Choose to act outside of your normal routines.

Notice (be mindful of) what you are doing with each of your daily activities:

When you wake up

As you get ready for work

When you use the toilet

While you brush and floss your teeth

As you wash your hands

When you take out the garbage

Be present as you wash dishes or clean up the kitchen

Notice the sensations as you drink coffee or tea

Be present when you hug someone

Notice how your breakfast and other meals taste

Notice your “hungers”—for food, rest, affection, accomplishment, and nurturing activities

When you go for a walk

While you talk on the phone

As you drive your car

When you grocery shop or do errands

As you turn on the TV—also notice how what you see effects your emotions

Be deeply present as you meet others

When you get sleepy, celebrate your blessings of a comfortable place to lay your head


  • Pay attention. Don’t just do your activities on Have a sense of the sacredness of your life. Your life is rich and valuable. Celebrate your wild and precious life!
  • Resist rushing. An example from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book Present Moment Wonderful Moment (mindfulness verses for every day life) and Peace Is Every Step deal with driving, something that most of us do every day.

For a PDF copy: Mindfulness—Meditation—Slowing Down in Our Daily Lives

Make Your Mind an Ocean: Become Your Own Therapist!

Four Foundations of Mindfulness: body, feelings, mind, and all phenomena

Cultivate Health as You Celebrate Well-Being!

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Cultivate health! Celebrate well-being!

Vitality/aliveness/well-being is more than a number on a scale!

Ask yourself: What’s NOT wrong?

What are the blessings in my life that sometimes I might take for granted?

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Come to the banquet table of life.

Learn to nourish yourself in ways that provide lasting nourishment to the soul (heart).

Practice the recipes for nourishing the heart.

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Learn the art of cultivating joy.

Ask yourself, what nourishes joy in me? What nourishes joy in others?

Do I nourish joy in myself and others enough? Do I enjoy the precious jewels that I have?       

        Daily Check-in:

  Notice if there’s suffering (obstacles/patterns that don’t work well).

See a cause.

See a way out, and a path that shows the way out.

Practice the path.

     Ideas for Self-Nurturing Activities         By Bob Wilson, BS, DTR

(* = FREE) This list is euphoric and non-caloric!!!


Paint Your Life with Creativity! The Painting Experience

Self-Nurturing Restorative Box

Sprinkle Dollops of Delight and Self-Care Towards Yourself

Ways to Learn to Love Your Body

Listen to my favorite music

Enjoy a long, warm bubble bath

* Go for a walk

* Share a hug with a loved one

* Relax outside

* Practice feeling contented

* Physical activity (of my choice)

* Spiritual prayer

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*Attend a caring support group

* Practice diaphragmatic breathing

* Do stretching exercises

* Reflect on my positive qualities: “ I am…”

* Watch the sunrise/sunset

* Laugh

* Concentrate on a relaxing scene

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Create a collage representing “the real me”

Receive a massage…ah…


* Reflect on: “I appreciate….”

Write my thoughts and feelings in a personal journal

Attend a favorite athletic event

Do something adventurous!

Read a special book or magazine

* Sing, hum, dance or whistle a  happy tune!

Play a musical instrument

* Spiritual meditation


Work with plants (gardening)


Learn a new skill

See a special play, movie or concert

Work out with weights

Ride a bike or motorcycle

Make myself a nutritious meal


Draw/paint a picture


* Swim, float, wade, relax in a  pool, or on the beach

Do aerobics/dance

Visit a special place I enjoy

* Smile & say : “I love myself.”

* Take time to smell the roses  (and other flowers I enjoy!)

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* Imagine myself achieving my goals and dreams

Go horseback riding

* Reflect on “my most enjoyable memories”

* Enjoy a relaxing nap

Visit a museum/art gallery

* Practice yoga

Relax in a whirlpool /sauna

Enjoy a cool, refreshing glass of  water or juice

* Enjoy the beauty of nature


* Count my blessings: “I am thankful for…”

* Play as I did as a child

* Star gaze- stay up late, get up early!

* Window shop

* Daydream

* Tell myself the loving words I want to hear from others

Attend a special workshop

Go sailing/paddle boating

Reward myself with a special  gift I can afford

Take myself on a vacation

Create with clay/pottery


* Practice positive affirmations

* Pet an animal

* Watch my favorite TV show

* Reflect on my successes: “I CAN….”

Make a bouquet of flowers


* Relax: watch the clouds

Make myself something nice

* Visit a park/woods/forest

Read positive, motivational literature

* Reflect on: “What I value most in life…”

Phone a special friend

Go on a picnic in a beautiful setting

Enjoy a gourmet cup of herbal tea or coffee

Participate in a favorite sport, game, recreation

* Practice a relaxation exercise


* Practice the art of forgiveness

Treat myself to a nutritious meal at a favorite restaurant

Participate in a hobby

* Practice feeling awe for life

woman meditating on rock

* Discover a new place

* Hug a tree!

* “Meow” with a cat; “ bark “with a dog, “chirp” with a bird !

* Create my own list of self-nurturing activities


ABC's of Zestful Living-COLOR

Learn to Effectively Manage Social Gatherings

 Holidays are Here! So Be a Lamp Unto Yourself!


Failing to plan is planning to fail!  An ounce of preparing is worth a pound of fat!

Prior Planning Prevents Painful, Poor Results!

Get to know your DANGER ZONES. Where is it difficult for you to stand up for yourself and make healthful choices?

autobiography in 5 chapters

Which situations and times do social groups influence you the most? At work? During pot lucks? At your church or spiritual group? With family and friends? At the neighbors? On vacations and holidays? At restaurants? When you’re feeling overwhelmed (too many needs and requests for your time) and out of balance? What’s your challenge?

Consider that you probably have been through these situations numerous times in the past. What can you LEARN from them? HOW can you make more effective choices next time?

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Take into account the mindset of  holidays or special occasions:

  • Special occasions are filled with people, food, and emotions. Because of this, the events may be enjoyable and stressful at the same time!

  • Notice that the gatherings frequently center around FOOD! You’ll probably find tempting treats everywhere!

  • Many times you may find that overeating is encouraged, “Oh you can go off your diet, just this once!”

  • Because the events may involve lots of preparation (cleaning up the house, shopping, food preparation) you may not find time to go for a walk or to practice other stress reduction activities (like taking a NAP!)

  • Watch out for being:  P-HALT? Are you too: P=Pressured, H=Hungry, A=Angry, L=Lonely, T=Tired?

  • You may discover that family dynamics may increase stress for you.


SHORT-Journal tips and ideas-1.pdf

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Get to KNOW yourself as you develop wisdom. Pay attention to your choices as you notice a lifetime of holiday habits automatically play out. Prepare yourself to be successful on special occasions by exploring the following sections:

Use the Stages Of Change  and The Daily Personal Check-In for suggestions on how to become a more effective self-manager.

Remember, progress not perfection! Easy does it, but DO it!

Think Light For The Holidays!    Christmas Relish Tree

                                                                                                                                                            Think Light for the Holidays!                                     Christmas Relish Tree!

Do You Need an Emotional-Spiritual Tune Up?

Be the change in yourself that you want to see in the world!  Gandhi

Be a lamp unto yourself!


Here are my thoughts that I wrote in my journal last summer when I noticed that I was very cranky, reactive, and fairly miserable. I wondered what choices that I had recently made that led me to feel that way. I contemplated how I could change my perspectives and choices so I could feel happier and restore balance to my life. How about for you? Could you use a tune up?

UPDATE: This last season of 2013 and 2016 has seen many opportunities and challenges: increased work demands (and then retirement after 40 years), family, friends, and in-law illnesses came up. I was also attempting to support them too; lots of housework and gardening, shopping & cooking, and other healthy-lifestyle practices, trying to promote my Playbook; friends requests and having a variety of guests over (all fun…and it takes time and effort to plan and implement)…and I arrived at a place of feeling extremely tired and stressed. I realized I was at a place of burnout. OOPS!

I wanted to be compassionate for everyone in the world….and I realized that I was depleted. I took time to remember that the cycle of compassion is not complete without myself. I can’t drown…I need to keep myself afloat too. It’s essential that I heal my own traumas.

UPDATE: Now it is 2024 and I discover that I could benefit from doing a self check up to restore balance, perspective, and positivity. I got Parkinson’s 8 years ago and have had to re-apply all of these tools and concepts many times:

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ASK myself: “Is this compassion for me? Can I take on this commitment and not overwhelm or harm myself?” I can remember that it’s not my job to save the world single-handedly. Plant the seeds that I can–do what I can. That is enough.


It’s essential that I take care of my instrument (my body, mind, and spirit) too so that I can make beautiful music! No one can take care of me–I have to do it. I realized that no one can balance my life for me–I have to do it.


So I asked a friend if we could stay home today (and not take a whole-day trip to Eugene from Portland OR). I slowed down and actually went to the gym for a short while, visited my spiritual group and meditated 2 hours, and then went home and took a nap! Ah…now that felt better!

I asked myself, how can I create my life more skillfully?

I want to become a doctor to my own mind, emotions, and life!


  • When life gets challenging (with lots of busyness, suffering, difficult experiences) then I really need extra meditation, contemplation, and time spent on managing my stress (not less!).
  • Set my daily intentionthis is the way I’m going to do it. I’m not creating more separation from myself and others by my choices. ASK: Does this act of body, speech, and mind serve my highest aspirations for my heart and life? It is my intention that you are not going to be harmed by me in any way. It is safe to be with me.

Relax, Work,Play, and Flirt!

  • Practice stress management techniques. Slow down. Release speed. Allow extra time. Release the need to rush to the next thing. Own my place on the earth. Move slowly throughout the day. Contemplate and celebrate my journey of life!
  •  Relax. Observe and allow. Be aware of and stay connected with each of the experiences that I encounter. Pay attention to my reactions to life’s events.
  • Know what enough is. Watch greed (and compulsion) for accomplishment (e-mails, computers, house chores, social activities, etc.). Notice the heaviness of obligation.
  •  Ask where’s my heart? I shut off my heart when I live in my head (constant thinking—remembering, planning, and judging).
  • Remember all of stories and identities I have about me and others are not true! Everyone, everything, and myself are in a constant state of change all of the time. There is no solid and unchangeable core in anything. Everything is in flux.
  • Don’t buy into the idea that I need a long retreat or a special environment to get happy (have emotional and mental balance and peace). It can happen in my daily life—IF—I set up the daily patterns and choices for it to manifest!

ASK: Would I rather be right or happy? Remember, my serenity is inversely proportional to my expectations!


o ASK: Am I happy, peaceful, and contented? Yes/No? If not, what habits or patterns or mind am I cultivating? Notice that attachment to what I want à anger and unhappiness are the result.

o High and unmet expectations lead to impatience and frustrations. When I have lots of desires, wanting to be right or acknowledged, and have attachment to my views and my desired outcomes (“I want or must have…”) I notice that I’m miserable!

o Do I have strong attachment to my projects, views, and perspectives? If I do, what happens to my peace of mind?

  • I’m in charge of making my choices, trying things out—making the effort. I’m not in charge of the results or outcomes. When I’m attached to the results, I suffer and am unhappy.

For perspective, consider the metaphor of looking at a forest floor. You will see trees fallen everywhere, branches, old flowers, shrubs, and leaves all over. They are all in various forms of decay and regeneration to new life forms. So like all of life (humans too) on earth—some falling down, crashing and burning (falling into relapse around harmful behaviors)—going through apparently difficult and chaotic circumstances, there is dying of old ways and regeneration of new forms of life. They are evolving in ways that are right for them!

Perhaps consider too:

Kiss The Earth and Walk as You Touch Peace in Every Moment!

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Various Meditations

On The Spot Stress Managers (new audio relaxation tape)

Prescription for Well-Being!

Overcoming Your Obstacles to Healthful Eating

How to Develop a Loving, Self-Nurturing, Inner Voice For You!

Thich Nhat Hanh questions (Mary shared them with me.)

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Dear Friends,

Consider these questions today. This can apply to a romantic partner, but family or even in the business world…or really to any relationship:

1.      Are you in love?  Creating Healthy Relationships

2.      Are you still in love? Loving-Kindness: Learn to Befriend Ourselves and Others and Love Your Body!

3.      Do you want to reconnect with the person you used to love?

4.      Do you think that he or she is happier than you are now? How to Develop a Loving Relationship with You

5.      Do you have the time for each other or are you both to busy? Overwhelmed? Are You Taking In Too Many Empty Calories? and Help! I’m movin’ too fast! I need to slow down!

6.      Have you been able to preserve your freshness and beauty for yourself and for the other person?

7.      Are you capable to offer him or her freshness and beauty everyday? CELEBRATING The Simple Joys Of Life!

8.     Do you know how to handle the suffering in yourself? Four Foundations of Mindfulness

9.     Are you able to help handle the suffering in the other person? Relax, Observe, and Allow

10.  Do you understand your own suffering and the roots of that suffering?  Getting to Know Your Stress and How to Management It and Out Of Hell, Into Freedom Thoughts

11.  Are you able to understand the suffering in the other person? Make Your Mind an Ocean: Become Your Own Therapist!

12.  Do you have the capacity to help the other person suffer less? Thoughts On Healing and Helping Yourself and Others

13.  Have you learned the way to calm down the painful feelings and emotions? Dialectical  behavior therapy 

14. Do you have the time to listen to yourself, your suffering, your difficulties, and your deepest desire? Mental Nutrients: What To Say When You Talk To Your Self

15.  Do you have the time to listen to him or her and help him or her to suffer less?

16.  Do you know the Buddhist way of restoring communication and bringing reconciliation? Non Violent Communication

17.  Are you capable of creating a feeling of joy and happiness for yourself? Peace!

18. Are you capable of helping the other person to create a feeling of joy and happiness? Be Happy and Contented!

19. Do you really think you have a clear spiritual path to go? What Is Life About? Heart Advice

20. Do you have the feeling of peace and contentment within yourself? Invent A New Life!

21. Do you know how to nourish your love everyday? Rules For Being Human

Benefits of meditation

Don’t Worry About It!


In 1988 (and again in 2013 and 2015 many similar challenges are coming up) I was going through a time of great transition  (I’m retiring at the end of the year) and was worried about everything: finding a new job (or letting go of a former job), my grandmother’s (or mother-in-law’s) care, many friends’ well-being, a love relationship for myself, money for bills, the world’s chaos, and cleaning my messy house! I was an emotional wreck.

I went out on a walk with my mind completely a jumble of distressing thoughts. I was praying and asking God for a sign—please help me understand. Shortly after I looked over towards a truck that was parked on the street and on the rear wooden bumper were engraved the words: DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT! I was astonished! All my thoughts stopped and I smiled. Ah…I could let go of all my concerns. Just trust that things would work out—for me and everyone else. Believe it or not, on that same walk I found a medallion with an inscription on it that said:

 It only takes one person to

change your life….YOU!

 path to happiness

As a postscript—about 20 years later—many things did work out for the best. I didn’t starve, the house did get cleaned, and I did find a wonderful job and a loving companion, and my crazy thinking improved!

  It is safe to let go and relax.

It is safe to let go of the illusion of control.

There is nothing to fear!

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

Be happy for this moment--it is your life!

Pay a visit to: Do you experience overwhelming circumstances and can’t achieve a healthier weight?

Getting to Know Your Stress and How to Management It

What Are We Powerless Over?

Gander at:

Reasons We Eat: Healthful and Harmful

When trying to lose weight, one may feel shame, avoidance, or obsession about eating. As an alternative, it might be helpful to consider a new way of looking at food and eating.

Healthful Reasons to Eat

Let’s explore the REASONS WE EAT:

  1. PHYSICAL HUNGER is an obvious and essential reason to eat. When you are hungry, it is inappropriate to deny yourself food. There is no reason for guilt or shame. The WAY to lose excess weight is to cultivate a healthful style of eating. Eating when you are hungry is like breathing AIR to stay alive. It is necessary for life.

    • When you are physically hungry, every cell in your body sends out signals requesting nutrients. Your cells do not have cravings for specific foods. They want water, vitamins, minerals, amino acids (proteins), fatty acids, and glucose, which can be provided from a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, meats, and calcium-rich foods.

    • Physical hunger builds patiently and gradually over a 2-4 hour period following your last meal. Physical hunger signals a preference that you eat soon, but it does not command you to eat the instant you begin to feel it. Look into: Listen to Your Body. It Will Talk to You: Hunger Scale and How to Fuel-Up Your Body Throughout the Day  to learn about your Body’s Fuel Gauge. Eating regular, small meals is made easier by taking along a variety of food choices WITH you. Go to taste: Bob’s Lunch Bag.

    • It is based in your stomach with a gnawing or rumbling which becomes more painful over time. You may begin to feel lightheaded or a lack of energy if over hungry.

    • When you eat when you are physically hungry, you are aware of the food on your fork, in your mouth, and in the stomach. You choose how much you need to eat to fuel and nourish your body and STOP eating when that is accomplished. A helpful practice to help get in touch with your TRUE hunger signals is to follow Eating Awareness Training. Come to learn about yourself as you explore Factors That Influence How Much We Eat.

State of the Plate-crop

    1. NUTRITION refers to choosing foods containing the specific nutrients you know your body needs. It also means LIMITING FOODS  with too much fat, salt, or sugar. Appreciate: Essential Skills section #5 for ideas about Cultivating a Sustainable, Healthful Plan of Eating–one step at a time.
    2. CONVENIENCE is working around your busy schedule to meet your body’s need to eat in a flexible way. For example, if you are not fully hungry before a meeting, you may bring along a food bag so that you can eat on break, or eat after the meeting. Or perhaps eat a small salad or veggies before you go. Investigate: Essential Skills #6 for ideas about Planning and Preparing Delicious Recipes. Also go to see: Nutritious and Yummy Snacks, and What Does Bob Typically Eat In Any Given Day? for ideas on scrumptious foods for home or on the go.
    3. PLEASURE means that is is important to ENJOY foods (and other lifestyle choices that you make) and eat foods we like. It is important to have MOUTH FUN! Celebrate the pleasures of food. Use all of your senses. You can learn to celebrate a healthful lifestyle! In fact, making FUN your focus will insure that your new patterns naturally become your new way you create your life. Frolic in: CELEBRATE Healthful Eating! Yum! Make It FUN. Make It Colorful!, CELEBRATING The Simple Joys Of Life!, The Power of Fun: Celebrate Enjoyable Ways To Be Active!, An Alphabetical Guide to Zestful Living, and Sprinkle Dollops of Delight and Self-Care Towards Yourself for ideas of how to begin.


Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole M.S. , R.D. and Elyse Resch M.S., R.D. is an excellent resource on honoring your hunger, enjoying the pleasures of food and feeling your fullness. To explore her 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating and her website.

Harmful Reasons to Eat


Most of the SELF-DESTRUCTIVE reasons to eat have to do with using food to alter your emotions. When you eat to numb feelings, the result may be frustration in out-of-control eating and in the knowledge that your body is receiving extra calories that will be stored as more fat.

© 1999, adapted with permission, The Don’t Diet, Live-It Workbook by Andrea LoBue and Marsea Marcus, by GÜRZE BOOKS: Eating disorder resource catalogue.   Articles on recovery, basic facts about eating disorders, newsletters, self-help books, professional texts, educational videos, internet resources, national organizations, treatment facilities.

ASK: Am I eating to fix painful emotions or situations?

From The Food Fix By Sandra Stoltz.

By choosing NOT TO EAT when you are emotionally hungry, you are creating healthy limits, which can allow you to release and heal your feelings. FOOD will never provide real support when your are anxious, bored, or lonely. Take some time to sort through: The Ovals–Developing and Maintaining a “Personal Plan of Eating”  Discover what are you REALLY hungry for as you learn How to Develop a Loving, Self-Nurturing, Inner Voice For You!

So HOW do you change the HABIT of eating to numb out uncomfortable and distressing emotions and situations?

Learn to be your own fitness coach—use your brain and ask the right questions!


I can see what I do and I can see how to change it.

Choose to become aware:

  • Acknowledge, accept, and understand, your pain and your pattern

  • Get in touch with what you FEEL

ASK: Will this choice increase my aliveness or decrease it? Free me, or imprison me?

Try several experiments to learn about FEELINGS:

  • Touch your thumb and forefinger together. What do you feel? Pressure? Heat or cold? Now touch a table top with your finger. What do you notice then? Is it colder? Harder?

  • Now pinch yourself on your upper arm, with your forefinger and fingernail– pinching harder and harder. Now what do you feel? Pain? Discomfort? Now let go. What do you notice? Do you notice that the pain subsides? Ah.

  • Remember the feelings that you have had as your BODY lets you know that you have to relieve “liquid or solid wastes” from your body. Have you ever noticed those SIGNALS, but ignored them because you were really busy? What feelings did you notice after awhile? Did it get SO PAINFUL that you HAD to stop what you were doing and attend to your body’s needs? We’ve all had this happen to us.

Use this same AWARENESS AND PROCESS to provide clues to you about your emotional eating PATTERNS.


Just like a tape recorder has a PAUSE button.

Don’t immediately go to FOOD to make things momentarily better.

  • So FIRST, Notice your habits. Become your own “gentle observer.” Take time to go inside yourself. Explore your feelings that arise in you. Do You Experience a RAIN of Feelings?

  • What are you hungry for? Rest? Affection? Quite time? What do you really need? Take the time to Shine the light of self-care towards YOU!

  • PRACTICE THE SKILL OF RESPECTFUL SELF-TALK: Nourishing Affirmations and How to Develop a Loving, Self-Nurturing, Inner Voice For You!

  • Investigate: The Horse Of Habit (patterns) story, How to work with food cravings, and  Meditation—Why and How—Cleanse and Train The Mind.

  • It is helpful to notice how your mind works. In Eckhart Tolle’s book, Stillness Speaks, he shares some helpful insights:

    • The mind exists in a state of “not enough” and so is always greedy for more. When you are identified with mind, you get bored and restless very easily. Boredom means the mind is hungry for more stimulus, more food for thought; and its hunger is not being satisfied.

    • When you feel bored, you can satisfy the mind’s hunger by picking up a magazine, making a phone call, switching on the TV, surfing the web, going shopping, or–and this is not uncommon–transferring the mental sense of lack and its need for more to the body and satisfy it briefly by ingesting more food.

    • Or you can stay bored and restless and observe what it feels like to be bored and restless. As you bring awareness to the feeling, there is suddenly some space and stillness around it, as it were. A little at first, but as the sense of inner space grows, the feeling of boredom will begin to diminish in intensity and significance… pages 18 – 19.

    • Stillness Speaks, (2003), by Eckhart Tolle, Namaste Publishing and New World Library. From the Introduction: “The only function of a spiritual teacher is to help you remove that which separates you from the truth of who you already are and what you already know in the depth of your being.” Enjoy discovering your inner being! See also Practicing The Power of Now, (1999), by Eckhart Tolle.
      • Namaste Publishing promotes Eckhart’s books and other materials. Their mission is: “To make available publications that acknowledge, celebrate, and encourage others to express their true essence and thereby come to remember Who They Really Are.” Find them at:  
      • Namasté means, “I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace, when you are in that place in you and I’m in that place in me, we are one.”
  • Check out: the Emotional Eating section to notice which emotions are TRIGGERS for you. Keep track in your diary. Notice the PAIN or DISCOMFORT that comes to visit you. Just notice. Try not to use food to mask your uncomfortable feelings.

  • Scrutinize: Which Puzzle Pieces Contribute to Your Overweight? to figure out your lifestyle DANGER ZONES–WHAT people, places and things influence your choices.

  • Explore: Bingeing: Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight to develop the SKILL of self-awareness and becoming a self-manager. A note: many people abandon record keeping when they have problems. I ENCOURAGE YOU TO WRITE DOWN WHATEVER HAPPENS. When you do this, you will begin to see your patterns and begin to FIND YOUR SOLUTIONS to transform and manage your DANGER ZONES. Practice regularly: the Daily Check-In section.

  • Turn your attention to:  Getting to Know Your Stress and How to Management It and On The Spot Stress Managers to learn new ways to cope.

  • For some FUN, if all else fails, you might try out If All Else Fails: A Refrigerator Air Bag! and Additional Support!

  • You may find that you can’t sort through things on your own and would benefit from the advice, insights, or support of a trained listener. Consider: Do you experience overwhelming circumstances and can’t lose weight? , Thoughts on Healing and Helping, and Therapeutic Help for the Journey for ideas.

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Frolic around Ideas for Self-Nurturing for delightful ways to celebrate your life!

Frolic around:

What are the Challenges that Derail Your Achieving a Healthier Life and How Can You Transform Them?

Why do most people get off track with their attempts to keep up a healthy lifestyle?

What happens?

Check below for the common reasons. What Are Yours?

Overwhelming circumstances

You may find that your life at present is touched by many difficult circumstances that make achieving a healthier life may seem impossible. You might feel helpless and hopeless about changing. Is this how you are feeling? I have felt that same way before. Things CAN change for the better.

I encourage you to explore Essential Skills #10-Seeking Support and Counseling. This can help you sort through all that is going on for you, and you can come up some possible options to try out. Taking the time to do this is WORTH its weight in gold!


I encourage you to Set your intention:  Plant the Garden of Your Life With Seeds of Well-Being as you explore making new life choices that can free the being that lives inside of your own skin from suffering, pain, and distress. Know that you CAN figure it out!


Next consider delving into the sections below. If your reasons for being unsuccessful go beyond the usual “food and physical activity” lifestyle-change suggestions, I encourage you to invest in yourself.

Pause. Explore these very common challenges that derail people’s healthy living efforts.



Practice self care–to find the answers to the challenges you face!

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When life feels “balanced” the urge for chocolate chip cookies and other comfort foods diminishes. So consider exploring… 


Minding Your Mental Health

Readers can review 25 mental health conditions and determine the best course for treatment. Examples: anger, phobias, depression, anxiety, burnout, co-dependency, eating disorders, passive/aggressive behaviors, marital/relationship problems, gambling, grief/bereavement, parenting issues, self-esteem, sexual concerns, sleep problems, stress, and many other topics are covered.

Suggestions are given about when to seek emergency care, when to see a physician, when to go to a counselor, and when self-help is appropriate. 7 3/8″ x 9″. 96 pages COST: $6.49. Item #: 2147. Go to the “products/online store–> Medical Self-Care Guides” Page:

Getting to Know Your Stress and How to Management It


Stress can harm your health by impairing your immune system and promoting disease. A stressor becomes harmful when an individual lacks an effective way of controlling it. Stress is also a common reason given for overeating or emotional eating. Some individuals tend to avoid physical activity when they are stressed out, too. Therefore, it’s important to recognize the signs of stress and find ways to manage stress to promote fitness.

  1. What is stress? Any mental or physical stimulus that disrupts the body’s equilibrium—it can be positive or negative. Any change that you must adjust to. It can be:
  2. Environmental (noise, weather, traffic, time pressures, job performance standards)
  3. Physiological (illness, lack of sleep, poor diet, aging)
  4. Thoughts (worry, negative self-talk, fear)

Stress and How It Affects Your Mind and Body:

5. Stress is revealed through physical and emotional symptoms:

Physical                                                                      Emotional


Fatigue Irritability
Tension headaches Frustration
Upset stomach Feeling helpless
Difficulty sleeping Loss of self-esteem
Tense muscles Loss of concentration
Shortness of breath Withdrawal
Change in appetite Anxiety

What are the signs you use to recognize stress? Use mindfulness (practice being aware of stress symptoms since they often become unconscious)

Some Methods for Reducing Stress.  You Are Your Wisest Counselor!

Body Scan

Predict it with awareness Nutrition
Assertiveness Rest or Sleep
Look at self-talk Physical activity
Emotional expression/Sharing Relax/Deep breathing
Look at past experiences Find support
Diversion/Recreation Humor
Preparation/Organization Writing
Allow enough time Counseling
Mindfulness Prioritize
Anger management Hobbies
Set realistic goals Music
Set healthy limits Massage
Correct thinking distortions Nurturing
Enjoy the beauty of nature Pet an animal
Manage triggers: alter, avoid, accept Balance time alone, with others, work, rest, and fun

© 2004, adapted with permission, Kaiser Permanente Northwest Health Education Services, Cultivating Health ™ Weight Management Kit

 Self Hug-CAROL

Lavish nourishing restorative techniques on yourself as you explore On-the-spot stress management techniques.

When we remind ourselves of the benefits for changing, it can help us get back on track. Note the benefits for physical activity. Physical activity can lessen stress, control blood pressure, decrease resting heart rate, etc. But it also helps to deal with stressful situations be increasing your mental sharpness, concentration, problem solving skills, and creativity. Shifting our attitudes will also help us overcome our resistance to doing exercise.


Stress is also a common reason given for overeating or emotional eating. Two out of three people eat more under stress. Plus, we don’t usually overeat vegetables when we’re stressed (Did you notice that “stressed” is “desserts” spelled backwards?) You can make small changes over time to improve your eating habits. Do your best tochoose foods rich in nutrients when you are under stress–vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, fat-free dairy, and healthy fats in moderation. Limit sugar, unhealthy fat, caffeine, and alcohol.


 Exercise is like “mental floss”. It cleans out the stress that is stuck in your brain!

What do you find helps manage stress for you?

Resources:The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, by Martha Davis and Mathew McKay, © 2002, New Harbinger Publication, Inc. Check out New Harbinger Publishers

  • gives the medical basis of stress, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and drug use—explained in a fun, easy-to-read format. It’s really excellent!
  • Learn 48 essential leadership skills at Also visit links at:
  • articles and tips for reducing stress
  • MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction by Denice Gour. Find recorded meditations here:

  • Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness (Paperback) by Jon Kabat-Zinn
    This book is also a terrific introduction for anyone who has considered meditating but was afraid it would be too difficult or would include religious practices they found foreign. Kabat-Zinn focuses on “mindfulness,” a concept that involves living in the moment, paying attention, and simply “being” rather than “doing.” While you can practice anything “mindfully,” from taking a walk to cleaning your house, Kabat-Zinn presents several meditation techniques that focus the attention most clearly, whether it’s on a simple phrase, your breathing, or various parts of your body. The book goes into detail about how hospital patients have either improved their health or simply come to feel better despite their illness by using these techniques, but these meditations can help anyone deal with stress and gain a calmer outlook on life.


Explore also: 

If you find that you are experiencing CHRONIC STRESS PATTERNS, that is a sign that your life is out of balance. Perhaps consider: Do you experience overwhelming circumstances and can’t achieve a healthier weight?